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Consulting  Prices 

Consultation by Domain


Each area has its specificity  whether on a sentimental, professional,

financial, health ... see other areas that challenge you!

A request by domain reflects a complete clarification with its hazards,

its fallout, its journey  ...



Consultation for a specific question? A specific situation?

30.00 euros

Event  or a situation worries you, you wonder?

This consultation is conducive to enlightening, revealing strengths, weaknesses and benefits... 

25.00 euro

Consultation for a feeling on a photograph

Through a recent or old photo, we feel the journey  , the life of the person

or people...

This contact reveals all its power, like a film that unfolds before our eyes, giving so much  elements that have felt the emotion that provides the person on the photo etc ....

10.00 euro

Consultation for a Complete Theme 

Meditation, Relaxation 

This moment is for you, when you arrive we allow ourselves a few minutes

  for a share.  Then  , I accompany you for a guided meditation  .

Some keys buried in you, can reveal themselves there...


A complete theme includes all of the following elements:

Your personality ,  your love life, your professional life, your health,

your entourage, your emotions, those around you, your finances...

Elements  on the evolution of your projects, the purchase  or the sale of a property etc...




70.00 euros 

20.00 euros

Duration 1 hour 


           For a  making appointments

       ' Remote consultation  or at the cabinet '


          Email  :

        Phone / SMS  :

​© 2019 " From You to Me "  Clairvoyance, remote maps, oracles, Channel, Feelings, Meditation 

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